Have questions?

If you can’t find your answers here, please reach out to contact@quipmedical.org. We’re here to help!

  • Quip offers a mobile app that listens to your consultation and generates a standardized SOAP note in real time. The note then syncs to our web app from which physicians may copy into their EMRs.

  • Recordings are used for transcription purposes only and are not stored beyond this initial use case. Transcriptions are then de-identified prior to the summarization of the text. Each note is stored on our PIPEDA & HIPAA-compliant database prior to automatic deletion after a 48-hour period. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use below.

  • Not difficult at all! All initial users have been able to successfully use Quip immediately after downloading the app. Thanks to our intuitive interface and design, physicians have been able to integrate Quip into their everyday workflow seamlessly. If you require assistance at any point, please feel free to reach us at contact@quipmedical.org.

  • Definitely! We currently offer a 21-day free trial for anyone who signs up. If you’re an interested clinic/FHO/hospital looking to register a larger group, please contact us at contact@quipmedical.org for a custom enterprise deal.

  • Quip currently offers a simple copy/paste for notes synced to our web app. Although there is no direct EMR integration, our users have experienced no difficulties with the existing method of note transfer. We are in the process of acquiring integration with a subset of EMRs so stay tuned!

  • It heavily depends on the user! If you’re someone who spends hours after clinic to dictate detailed notes, you’ll probably save multiple hours per day. If you’re someone who scribbles a couple bullet points between each encounter, probably 1-2 hours per day.